Friday, November 26, 2010

Education - new paradigms

I created this video about Education through Videomaker. I hope you like it! 
Looking forward to reading your comments!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Collaborative learning - my thoughts on the reading: I-mode pedagogy

Reading the text about I-mode Pedagogy, I could reflect on the following idea:  for collaborative activities work well, it is not just needed the network members have knowledge in using the computer technologies tools, but also, and mainly (in my opinion), they must naturally have readiness and will of participating in such a working-together situation. They need to want that, to be comfortable and simply involved in taking part of it. This means something else beyond just a high-tech behavior, it significates a self-pleasant friend-like attitude.

This kind of behavior seems to work away better with students, but not so fine among teachers. Maybe that is why is so difficult for many professionals of education accept, adopt and even understand a TRUE collaborative relationship.

I guess a can give you a good example of that, telling you about my own experience with collegues. In one of the schools where I work, there are some technological devices bought some time ago, but it took too long for them to start using it. Up till now there is some resistance in using it as a ordinary tool, despite being wonderful for kids to be connected to trends of multimedia resources and new educational methodologies. Professionals must be more motivated to learn how to use it, in order to join a group ready to discover together the way of taking benefits from it. However, when I offered myself to learn how to deal with the tool, many of them showed the interest just of being taught, instead of helping to study it as well. I understand many are afraid of technology, but it urges for us, educators of this era, to face barriers and improve our pedagogical approaches.

Thus, before going on trying to modify how things are thought to students, we should try to understand and struggle with the way professionals face their jobs, responsibilities and how deep and seriously they are ready for changing.

If you have any comments (agreements or disagreements), please, let me your word here!

LANKSHEAR, C. & KNOBEL, M. New literacies: everyday practices & classroom learning. Open University Press: 2006.

Monday, November 22, 2010

First try of creating a conceptual map

This is my first try of creating a conceptual map through the software CMAP tools.

I´m still reading the text "A new literacies sampler" but I just dislike it, because it was very tiring. However I will try to finish reading it and post an updated version of this conceptual map, or better, I´m going to make another cmap from another text more pleasant to read!

Thanks for accessing my blog!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My multimodal thinking drawing!

I´ve created this drawing to represent what a multiliteracies learning represents to me. I tried to free my mind from prejudices or old paradigms about teaching and learning to make an image connected to my deeply subconscious ideas. Hope you like it!